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OpenPAYGO™ Link


The  free open-source PAYGO appliances communication protocol that makes products interoperable and provides a reliable connection

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OpenPAYGO™ Link is a free and secure open-source technology brought to you by PaygOps and Efficiency for Access.

As part of the OpenPAYGO™ Suite by PaygOps, OpenPAYGO™ Link is designed for SHS or appliance manufacturers willing to scale by adopting an interoperable communication protocol. 
The OpenPAYGO™ Link provides a physical connection allowing SHS and appliances to communicate reliably on a single wire. It can be used in conjunction with Nexus Channel Core's resource models to cover many use cases. You can find all the documentation as well as the reference implementation and examples (with source code and hardware designs) on our GitHub page. 
Paygo Problem


Off-grid appliances, whether working under a PAYGO plan or in conjunction with a power generation system that has a PAYGO activation mechanism, don't currently have a common system to communicate within.


This means that each appliance manufacturer has to individually adapt its device to communicate with other PAYGO hardware.


This lack of interoperability leads to important R&D expenses for manufacturers entering and growing in the PAYGO sector, while distributors are limited to appliances locked to a single PAYGO system and customers locked into a narrow appliance ecosystem.

Paygo standard



The open source communication protocol will provide the industry with a standardized ecosystem that facilitates the integration of PAYGO devices with a wider range of appliances.


Through a standardised communication protocol, this innovation enables to automatically activate and deactivate PAYGO devices, verify electrical compatibility to prevent damages of the appliances and allows custom data reporting.


Secure activation and deactivation of appliances based on the PAYGO status of the SHS is guaranteed by this technology.

Paygo Solution protocol


Through scaled adoption, this technology provides a wider range of appliances (different brands) for PAYGO distributors to select from as well as a larger market for appliance manufacturers to engage with and end-users will find a greater offer of products to choose from, in a more competitive market.


In addition, it will allow to better address distribution challenges, analysing the data available on usage or performance from the appliances, via any PAYGO software platform. 

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OpenPAYGO Link interoperability

Establishing interoperability standards

is critically important for the

off-grid energy industry.

Solar Home Systems (SHS) play a vital role in achieving universal energy access for the 1.1 billion people in the world still lacking affordable and safe access to electricity.


While the PAYGO solar industry is expanding fast, delivery models are yet to provide flexible and accessible technologies that are adapted to end-users needs.

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How does OpenPAYGO Link work

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The Technology

About the Grant 


Awarded with an R&D Grant from Efficiency for Access, with funding from UK Aid, Solaris Offgrid was commissioned to join the Low-Energy Inclusive Appliances (LEIA) Programme Technical Working Groups (TWGs) for Interoperability, to develop an open source standardised PAYGO appliance communication protocol. 


OpenPAYGO™ Suite is brought to you as a PaygOps projectand regroups four open source technologies: OpenPAYGO™ Token, OpenPAYGO™ Link, OpenPAYGO™ Metrics and OpenPAYGO™ Pass

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