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OpenPAYGO™ Token Certified Devices

Solaris Offgrid engineers from the SolarisLab team have first-hand reviewed and tested the following devices to certify the integration with OpenPAYGO™ Token is compliant, which makes these devices paygo enabled and ready to be connected with PaygOps or any paygo software compatible with OpenPAYGO™ Token.

*If a product doesn't appear on this official list, it has not been certified by us

How to get your device OpenPAYGO™ Certified

If your product is paygo enabled with OpenPAYGO™ Token but you want SolarisLab engineers (who developed the OpenPAYGO Token technology) to certify the integration is compliant, you can request your product to be tested and reviewed. You will receive a full report and Official Certification Diploma and Badge that validates your product is Paygo enabled with OpenPAYGO™Token.​

*$800 one-time service fee


Other Brands that trust OpenPAYGO Token

Hundreds of manufacturers have accessed the OpenPAYGO™ Token repository and these are some examples of brands that use OpenPAYGO™ technology, although the OpenPAYGO™ Token is not used exclusively by the brands on this list.

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Sun Worth OpenPAYGO Token
  • My product is paygo enabled, can I integrate it with PaygOps?
    Yes, there are 2 options: If your product is paygo enabled using the OpenPAYGO™ Token or Nexus, then your product is already compatible with PaygOps If your product is paygo enabled but not using the OpenPAYGO™ Token, then our team needs to study its API to define the action plan in order to proceed with the integration with PaygOps. Please contact us regarding the hardware / paygo integration.
  • Do you wish to make your products Paygo enabled via Token?
    If your product is not paygo enabled, you can implement our open-source technology OpenPAYGO Token™ which allows you to make any device ready to be used with PaygOps, or any other paygo software. Visit the OpenPAYGO Token to access the Open Source Token System to make any product PAYGO compatible. You can install OpenPAYGO Token™ totally for free. The technology is designed in a way that its installation should be fairly self-sufficient, but in case you may need help during the implementation, the engineers that originally developed the OpenPAYGO™ technologies (SolarisLab) can assist you on a consulting basis.
  • Do you wish to make your products Paygo enabled via GSM?
    Contact us to discuss the specifics of your integration based on your business type.
  • Do I have to pay to connect my device with PaygOps?
    It depends. If your product is paygo enabled using OpenPAYGO Token™, then your product is already compatible with PaygOps and you don't need to pay for an integration. If your product is paygo enabled but is not using OpenPAYGO Token™, then our team needs to study your product API to define the action plan and budget in order to proceed with the integration with PaygOps (man-days rate). If your product is not paygo enabled, you can implement our open-source technology OpenPAYGO Token™ which allows you to make any device ready to be used with PaygOps, or any other paygo software. You can install OpenPAYGO Token™ totally for free. The technology is designed in a way that its installation should be fairly self-sufficient, but in case you may need help during the implementation, the engineers that originally developed the OpenPAYGO™ technologies (SolarisLab) can assist you on a consulting basis.

OpenPAYGO™ Suite is brought to you by SolarisLab and regroups three open source technologies: OpenPAYGO™ Token and OpenPAYGO™ Link and OpenPAYGO™ Metrics

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